الحصول علي تشخيص
Characteristics of autism checklists
The characteristics of autism can vary greatly from person to person, and can also develop, change and improve over time. Age and cognitive ability can also have an impact on how the characteristics of autism present themselves. If you feel that you, or someone you love, is autistic, the below checklists can provide you with a list of the common characteristics that may be observed in each age group.
الاختلافات في التوحد علي أساس نوع الجنس
Far more males than females are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia. In fact, four Australian males are diagnosed on the spectrum to every one female. Evidence suggestions, there could be a range of reasons for this, including a bias towards males in the diagnostic process. Find out more about the differences in presentations of autism based on gender.
لماذا تحصل علي تشخيص ؟
- Your child (and you) may receive the help and support you might need or desire earlier.
- Your child’s kindy or school, and teaching staff, may have a better understanding of your child’s strengths and needs – allowing them to support them more effectively.
- Your child’s friends and family friends may have a better understanding of your child’s strengths, needs and behaviours – allowing them to interact and support them more effectively.
- Your child may have a greater sense of self-identify if they understand themselves better .
- Your child may have increased confidence knowing they are part of a larger group of children on the autism spectrum.
- Assist you to receive any appropriate funding, support and help you might desire.
- قد يكون لدي عائلتك وأصدقاءك وزملاءك في العمل (إذا اخترت اخبارهم) فهم أفضل لاحتياجاتك-والسماح لهم بدعمك بشكل أكثر فعاليه.
- قد يكون لديك شعور أكبر بالهوية الذاتية إذا كنت تفهم نفسك-والطيف-أفضل.
- قد يكون لديك فهم أفضل لتجاربك كطفل.
- You may benefit from the support and friendship of a larger group of other autistic adults.
Getting a diagnosis – children < 18 years
If you have questions about your child’s development, it’s important to raise them with a qualified professional, including a General Practitioner (GP) who may refer your child for an autism assessment.
Alternatively, if you have questions about your child’s development, and think that they may be autistic, you can refer them directly to a number of professionals that can assess for autism.
الحصول علي تشخيص – البالغين > 18 سنوات
The assessment process as an adults might look a bit different than that for children. Generally, referrals for adult diagnosis are made by you, as an adult. Referrals can also be made by individuals, parent or carer or by your partner with your consent.
مناقشه التنمية الخاصة بك مع GP أو المهنية ذات الصلة يمكن ان تكون مفيده أيضا قبل الاحاله ، كما المهنية الرعاية الصحية الخاصة بك قد جعل الإحالات لاجراء تقييم النفساني أو النفساني. كما يمكن استشاره معالج النطق لتقييم مهاراتك في التواصل الاجتماعي.
ما يجب القيام به بعد التشخيص
A diagnosis of autism can raise many emotions – relief at finally having an answer to some of the questions that you may have had about your or your child’s development, excitement, sadness, fear or even grief. All of these feelings and emotions are okay and should be allowed to run their course.
علي المستوي العملي ، يمكن ان يربطك التشخيص بمجموعه واسعه من الخدمات والدعم المتاحة.
ما هي الشروط الأخرى المشتركة التي تحدث مع التوحد ؟
دليل التشخيص الحالي للتوحد ، و DSM-5 تلاحظ ان 70 ٪ من الوقت تشخيص التوحد يرافقه حاله اضافيه أو التشخيص ، و 40 ٪ من الوقت من قبل اثنين أو أكثر من الشروط الاضافيه للتشخيص.
يمكن ان تظهر هذه الشروط المشتركة في اي وقت اثناء تطور الشخص ، وبعضها قد لا تظهر حتى وقت لاحق في مرحله المراهقة أو حتى سن الرشد.
وفيما يلي قائمه بالشروط الرئيسية التي يمكن ان تحدث بالاضافه إلى تشخيص مرض التوحد.