Disability Support Worker for autistic people
What is a disability support worker?
والعامل الداعم للاعاقه هو مهني يدعم شخصا يعاني من أعاقه أو اضطراب وأسرته ، ويطور مهارات الاستقلال ويشارك في المجتمع. وغالبا ما يدعم العاملون في مجال دعم الاعاقه الأشخاص المصابين بإصابات عصبيه أو إعاقات أو اضطرابات بما في ذلك إصابات الدماغ المكتسبة والإعاقات الجسدية والعصبية والاعاقه الذهنية والأشخاص المصابين بطيف التوحد.
Disability Support Workers often support an individual across both the home and community setting.
What do disability support workers do for people on the autism spectrum?
Disability Support Workers work closely with individuals and their families as well as service providers and other allied health professionals to enhance their skills to perform daily living tasks and to participate in the wider community.
Disability Support Workers provide a range of services for autistic people, these can include:
- Support in accessing and participating in the community
- Support in daily activities such as shopping, cleaning and attending appointments
- Developing new skills including daily living skills, communication skills and social interaction skills
- Facilitating self-advocacy and empowerment
Supporting individuals with disabilities to access and maintain work, or other vocational experiences.
How do disability support workers provide their services?
Disability Support Workers generally provide their services in person, either in the home or community environment. They may provide their services one-on-one or in small groups.
Where do disability support workers practice?
Disability Support Workers may be a sole provider, or work for an agency or provider.
What training do disability support workers undertake?
Disability Support Workers generally complete a Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) through a TAFE or they may have undertaken training as part of their employment arrangement.
What does a disability support worker cost?
Fees for Disability Support Workers vary greatly, but generally range between $35 – $200 per hour.
Disability Support Workers are an approved service under the NDIS. For more information about the NDIS, or to find out if you may be eligible for funding assistance go to our Financial Services page.