Characteristics of autism in children checklist
ويتطور الرضع والأطفال الصغار بوتيرتهم الخاصة ، وبطرق مختلفه. لذا ، ما هي النقطة التي يجب ان تشكك فيها إذا كان نمو طفلك في المسار الصحيح ؟
المراحل التنموية
من اللحظة التي يولدون فيها ، يشرع الأطفال في رحله من السلوكيات والمهارات التي تسمي المعالم التنموية.
هذه المعالم مختلفه لكل فئة عمريه. للأطفال الرضع قد تشمل التدحرج أو يبتسم للمرة الاولي ؛ بينما للأطفال الصغار ، فانها قد تشمل الحديث أو المشي.
كل معلم تنموي ياتي بمجموعته الخاصة "المتوسطة". وهذا هو النطاق النموذجي الذي قد يصل فيه الطفل إلى ذلك المعلم.
If these milestones are not met in a particular timeframe then concerns may be raised to investigate why.
While there are many reasons why a child might experience differences in their development, sometimes, the reason babies and toddlers will have developmental differences to their peers is because they are autistic.
حقيقة سريعة: ومن المرجح ان يكون الوالدان أو مقدمو الرعاية أول من يعترف بالفروق التنموية في الأطفال الصغار ، علي الرغم من ان مقدمي الرعاية الصحية الاوليه والمربيين لرعاية الطفل يمكنهم أيضا التعرف عليهم.
Because autism is related to certain behavioural characteristics, it can be difficult to recognise autism in a child until they are between 18-22 months of age. For some, characteristics of autism may not become apparent until they reach school age, or even later in life.
However, research studies have identified that there are some characteristics that parents can look for in the first years of a child’s life.
في حين انها قد لا تكون مؤشرا علي التوحد ، إذا كان الطفل يعرض بعض هذه الخصائص ثم انه من الحكمة ان تاخذ منهم لرؤية مقدم الرعاية الصحية الاوليه ، وربما المهنية الصحية مع الخبرة في التوحد.
ومقدمو الرعاية الصحية الاوليه هم الأطباء الذين يوفرون نقطه الاتصال الاولي داخل النظام الصحي. وهي تشمل الممارسين العامين (GPs) والممرضين (بما في ذلك ممرضو الممارسة العامة وممرضو المجتمع وممارسو التمريض) والمهنيون الصحيون المتحالفونوعمال صحة السكان الأصليين.
إذا كان لديك اي مخاوف بشان نمو طفلك أو طفلك ، فتحدث إلى مقدم الرعاية الصحية الاوليه في أقرب وقت ممكن. كلما أسرعت في التعرف علي الفرق أو التاخير في نمو طفلك ، كلما أسرعت في الحصول علي المساعدة للوصول إلى الخدمات والدعمالمناسب ، والتي يمكن ان تساعد في التنمية في المستقبل.
Fast Fact: Some of the characteristics of autism may be noticed before the age of 1, although a reliable diagnosis by a health professional with expertise in autism most often occur from when the child is 18 months or older.
Note that the information below is just a list of some of the common characteristics of autism. It is unlikely that a child will display all of these characteristics. It is important to remember, only a qualified professional can carry out an assessment for autism.
Early characteristics of autism in babies (6 months to one year) may include:
- Reacting in an unexpected way to new faces
- Preferring to make little or no eye contact
- Difficulty in following objects with their eyes
- Hearing their name does not produce a response
- Having limited or no reaction to loud sounds, or not turning their head to locate sounds
- Seeming overwhelmed by some sounds
- Displaying differences in interests for interactive games, for example not interested in games like peek-a-boo
- Chattering, or imitating sounds and words is limited
- Gestures like pointing at an object they want or waving back at others are limited
- Tendency not to imitate the actions of other people
- Dislike of being touched or cuddled, or not reaching out when about to be picked up
- Displaying repetitive body movements
Early characteristics of autism in toddlers up to 24 months may include:
- Limited or delayed speech milestones
- Predominantly walking on their toes
- Requires additional support to follow simple verbal instructions
- Gestures and imitating others’ actions are limited
- Showing an intense interest in certain objects, at the exclusion of all else
- Showing an intense interest in unusual or unexpected objects or materials
- Strong sense of ownership of objects or activities they are interested in (not wanting to share), or to engage the attention of others
- Engaging in repetitive actions and activities, such as putting objects into lines or groups
Early characteristics of autism in young children up to 36 months may include:
- Limited or delayed speech milestones
- Requires additional support to to follow simple verbal instructions
- Showing differences in interest for imaginative and social play, such as choosing not to play pretend games or play with other children in the usual way
- Wanting routines to be followed and being upset by change
- Extreme sensitivity to sight, sound, smell, taste and some other sensory experiences
- Displaying limited or no sensitivity to some sensory experiences such as heat, cold, touch, hunger, thirst or pain
- Becoming fixated on playing with particular toys, activities or actions
ASDetect: Is an app that provides videos of what some of these signs and characteristics can look and sound like and can be a useful tool for parents and health care professionals for children between 11 and 30 months.
Should you seek an assessment?
It is only natural that you might feel concerned if your baby or child is showing delays with development, or is demonstrating some of the possible characteristics of autism.
However, receiving answers sooner rather than later can be a good idea, so you can access supports and services for your child, and yourself.
On a personal level, getting a diagnosis can allow you and your family to have a better understanding of autism and how this may impact your child, including strengths they may have. If you think that your child might be on the autism spectrum, it is a personal decision to seek an autism assessment. For some parents it can be emotional identifying that your child may be on the autism spectrum, and can be daunting thinking about the process of seeking an autism assessment. Often well-meaning friends and family are quick to say things like: ‘just take a wait and see approach…things might change with age’. It is important to remember that you know your child best. If you have concerns, it is best to share these with a qualified professional to gather information to shape your decision.
Some of the benefits of seeking an autism assessment sooner rather than later, can include: • Your child (and you) may receive the help and support you might need or desire earlier
- Your child’s kindy or school, and teaching staff, may have a better understanding of your child’s strengths and needs – allowing them to support them more effectively
- Your child’s friends and family friends may have a better understanding of your child’s strengths, needs and behaviours – allowing them to interact and support them more effectively
- Your child may have a greater sense of self-identify if they understand themselves better
- Your child may have increased confidence knowing they are part of a larger group of children on the autism spectrum
حقيقة سريعة: العمر الأكثر شيوعا للتشخيص علي طيف التوحد في أستراليا ما بين ثلاثه وخمس سنوات.
البحث عن تقييم
If you are curious about your baby or young child’s development, and want to have them assessed for autism, you have a few options:
- Contact your state or territory autism association for information about autism assessments.
- Make an appointment with your GP or family health nurse. They can conduct a screening assessment for autism and if your child shows characteristics of autism they will often then refer your child for an assessment. If you do not agree with the outcome of the screening assessment you can still refer your child to health professionals with expertise in autism for an assessment.
- التحدث إلى المهنية الصحية المؤهلين مع الخبرة في تقييم وتشخيص مرض التوحد.
يمكنك معرفه المزيد في الحصول علي تشخيص للأطفال دون سن 18.
من سيشارك في التقييم ؟
وسوف تعتمد علي المكان الذي تذهب للحصول علي تقييم لمن, وعدد, وسوف يشارك المهنيين في تقييم التوحد.
If you go to a private professional, the assessment will generally be completed by one professional such as a Speech Pathologist or Psychologist. In some states, or situations, you will be required to see two different types of professionals to complete an autism assessment before a diagnosis of autism can be made. It is best to check with your local autism support service provider about what is required to receive an autism diagnosis in your state or territory. However, if you seek an assessment via a government funded organisation, a range of professionals will generally be involved in any diagnosis.
ويمكن اشراك المهنيين التاليين في تقييم التوحد في فريق متعدد الامراض وفقا للمبدا التوجيهي الوطني لتقييم وتشخيص اضطرابات طيف التوحد في أستراليا.
- طبيب
- ممرض ممارس
- معالج مهني
- علم النفس
- اخصائي اجتماعي
- اخصائي امراض النطق
- طبيب
- طبيب نفساني للأطفال
- اعصاب
هام: فقط المهنيين الذين يتلقون تدريبا إضافيا لتقييم مرض التوحد قادرون علي اجراء تشخيص لمرض التوحد.
أين يمكن الحصول علي تقييم
وهناك خدمات مموله من الحكومة وخاصه متاحه لتقييمات التوحد. وفي بعض الأحيان ، سيكون هناك وقت انتظار أطول للخدمات الممولة من الحكومة.
يمكنك العثور علي قائمه بمقدمي خدمات دعم التوحد المحلية علي صفحه الموارد الخاصة بنا.
لمزيد من المعلومات الذهاب إلى الحصول علي تشخيص مرض التوحد للأطفال.
Get your copy of the ultimate resource: The Spectrum booklet now!
‘The Spectrum: A guide to supporting a child on the autism spectrum’ pdf is now available to purchase.
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